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Prof. Ghulam M. Bhat: A Pioneer in the Field of Geology


Srinagar, India - Prof. Ghulam M. Bhat, a renowned geologist and professor at the University of Jammu, has made significant contributions to the field of geology throughout his illustrious career. Born in Srinagar on July 2, 1959, Bhat received his Bachelor of Science degree from Kashmir University in 1979, before going on to earn his Master of Science and Master of Philosophy from Jammu University in 1981 and 1983, respectively. He completed his Doctor of Philosophy degree from Jammu University in 1987.

Bhat started his career as a lecturer in higher education in Srinagar in 1986–1987, before joining Jammu University in 1987. Over the course of his career, he has served as a lecturer, senior lecturer, reader, and head of the Geological Department at Jammu University. He has also served as a vector at Bhaderwah Campus of Jammu University.

Bhat's research has focused on the study of the geology of the Himalayan mountain range, with a particular emphasis on sedimentology and biostratigraphy. He has developed new methods for analyzing geological data and has discovered several new geological formations in the region. 

Throughout his career, Bhat has been an active member of various professional organizations and has served as the chairman of the Siwalik Research Group and as the convener of the Convention of Indian Association Sedimentologists in 1999, as well as the International Research Working Group on Mitigation of Natural Hazards in Jammu and Kashmir.

Bhat has inspired countless students to pursue careers in geology and has dedicated his life to advancing the field and helping others to understand its importance. He remains a true inspiration to all who seek to understand the inner workings of our planet.


Prof. Ghulam M. Bhat's dedication, hard work, and passion for geology have made him a pioneer in the field and a true role model for young geologists everywhere. His legacy will continue to inspire future generations to pursue their interests and dreams in the field of geology.

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