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SKIMS Soura Recruitment 2023: Apply for Research Associate Position Before 21-02-2023

 SKIMS Soura, one of the leading medical institutions in the country, has announced a recruitment drive for the position of Research Associate. The institution is looking for a qualified and motivated individual to join their team on a full-time basis. The last date for submitting applications is 21-02-2023, and interested candidates can apply offline.

The Research Associate position requires a Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Clinical Biochemistry, Medical Lab Technology (Cl. Biochemistry/Immunology), Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, or a related field. Candidates should have at least 60% marks in aggregate from a UGC recognized University. The selected candidate will receive a salary as per ICMR guidelines.

This is a great opportunity for individuals who are passionate about research and want to work in a dynamic and challenging environment. The Research Associate will be responsible for conducting research, analyzing data, and contributing to scientific publications. They will also have the opportunity to work with a team of experienced researchers and gain exposure to cutting-edge technology and research methods.

The selection process for the Research Associate position will be based on an interview. Interested candidates can submit their applications offline and should visit the official website of SKIMS Soura at for more information about the application process and eligibility criteria.

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In conclusion, SKIMS Soura's recruitment drive for the Research Associate position is a fantastic opportunity for individuals with a passion for research to work with one of the leading medical institutions in the country. Interested candidates should not miss this opportunity and should apply before the deadline on 21-02-2023.

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