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Small Test Train Runs On ‘World’s Highest Railway Bridge Track’ On Chenab River

World's Highest Railway Bridge

Small Test Train Runs On ‘World’s Highest Railway Bridge Track’ On Chenab River


A small test train has successfully run on the world's highest railway bridge track on the Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla rail link on the Chenab valley in Jammu and Kashmir. The track is currently under construction and is expected to be completed by the third week of this month. The completion of the track will be a major milestone in the completion of the Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla rail link, which is also known as the Kashmir Link.

The World's Highest Railway Bridge

The bridge, being built at a cost of around Rs 1,400 crore, is the biggest civil engineering challenge faced by any railway project in India in recent history. This bridge was built between Bakal and Kuri in the Riasi district. According to Indian Railways, this bridge falls under Seismic Zone IV. While the construction of the bridge began in 2002, the bridge was hailed as a major step towards rail connectivity. While it also has security measures against any possible terrorist attack, the bridge can withstand magnitude 8 earthquakes and high-intensity explosions.

The Construction Process

About 300 engineers and 1,300 workers worked around the clock to build the bridge. The government awarded the construction of the bridge to M/S Chenab Bridge Project Undertaking, a joint venture between Afcons Infrastructure, VSL India and Ultra Construction and Engineering Company of South Korea. The bridge has been built at a total cost of Rs 27949 crore and has a length of 1315 meters. It is made of 28,660 metric tons of steel. The useful life of the bridge is around 120 years.

The Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Rail Link

The Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla rail link has a length of 272 km from Baramulla to Udhampur, connecting the valley to the rest of the country. While the 25 km long Udhampur – Katra section was commissioned in July 2014, the 118 km long Quezigund-Baramulla section was commissioned in October 2009. Similarly, the 118 km long Banhal-Kazigund section was started in June 2013. The completion of the track on the Chenab bridge will be a major milestone in the completion of the USBRL.

The Impact of the Completion of the Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Rail Link

Once the 111 km stretch is completed, the Srinagar-bound train can reach Kanyakumari without any hindrance. This will be a significant improvement in the connectivity of the region with the rest of the country. The project, which was earlier announced as a national project in 2002, has been a long-standing dream of the people of the region.


The successful test run of the small train on the world's highest railway bridge track is a significant achievement for the Indian Railways. The completion of the track will be a major milestone in the completion of the Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla rail link, which will improve the connectivity of the region with the rest of the country. The project has faced many challenges, but the successful completion of the track on the Chenab bridge is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the engineers and workers involved in the project.


1. What is the significance of the Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla rail link?
2. What is the length of the USBRL project?
3. When was the national project of the USBRL announced?
4. What is the cost of the bridge being built over the Chenab River?
5. How many engineers and workers were involved in building the world's highest railway bridge?

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