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Top 5 Websites for High-Quality Non-Copyrighted Music: A Comprehensive Guide for Content Creators

 Are you a content creator looking for non-copyrighted music to use in your videos or other digital media projects? Look no further! We've compiled a list of the top 5 websites where you can find high-quality, non-copyrighted music for free.

Top 5 Websites for High-Quality Non-Copyrighted Music

YouTube Audio Library

YouTube Audio Library is a great resource for creators who need music for their YouTube videos. You can browse by genre, mood, instrument, and duration to find the perfect track for your project. All the music in the library is free to use, even for commercial purposes, as long as you credit the original artist in your video description.

Free Music Archive

The Free Music Archive is a curated collection of high-quality, legal audio downloads. You can search by genre, curator, and even by the type of license you need (such as Creative Commons or Public Domain). Many of the tracks are available for commercial use, but be sure to read the license terms before using any music in your project.


Incompetech is a great source for royalty-free music created by composer Kevin MacLeod. The site features a wide range of genres and styles, from classical to rock to electronic. All the music on Incompetech is free to use as long as you credit Kevin MacLeod and the website in your project.


SoundCloud is a popular platform for musicians and producers to share their music. While not all the music on SoundCloud is free to use, many artists offer their tracks under Creative Commons licenses, which allow for non-commercial use with attribution. You can search for Creative Commons tracks by using the "To Listen" filter in the search bar.


Bensound is a website that offers high-quality royalty-free music for use in videos, games, and other media projects. You can browse by genre or mood, and all the music on the site is free to use for non-commercial projects. If you need music for commercial use, you can purchase a license for a small fee.

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In conclusion, these are the top 5 websites where you can find non-copyrighted music for free. Whether you're creating a YouTube video or working on a digital media project, these sites offer a wide range of high-quality music to choose from. Remember to always check the license terms and credit the original artist when using their music in your projects. Happy creating!

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