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6.8-magnitude earthquake shakes lightly populated part of Tajikistan

On Thursday, February 23, a 6.8-magnitude earthquake hit a lightly populated area in Tajikistan, near China's far western Xinjiang region. The United States Geological Survey reported that the epicentre was 67 kilometres west of Murghob, Tajikistan and 20 kilometres underground.

Murghob, the district capital, is located high in the Pamir Mountains, with a population of a few thousand people. The earthquake was strongly felt in some areas of Kashgar prefecture and Kizilsu Kyrgyz autonomous prefecture in Xinjiang, but no casualties or damage have been reported so far, according to state media CCTV, which cited local information officers.

The China Earthquake Networks Centre recorded the earthquake as 7.2 magnitude and 10 kilometres deep, but different agencies often have varying measurements.

Earthquakes are not uncommon in this region, which is located in the seismically active Himalayan belt. The Pamir Mountains in Tajikistan are a remote and sparsely populated area, which could explain why there are no reported casualties or damage at this time.

Despite the lack of reports on damage or casualties, this earthquake serves as a reminder of the importance of earthquake preparedness in seismically active areas. Earthquakes can strike without warning, and it is crucial for individuals and communities to have a plan in place to respond to such events.

In the meantime, authorities will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as necessary.

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