The Indian Army has recently opened the registration process for recruitment under the Agniveer scheme in Jammu and Kashmir. The online registration process started on 16th February and will continue till 15th March. The recruitment drive is open for candidates hailing from Udhampur, Rajouri, Poonch, Reasi, Ramban, Doda, Kishtwar, Jammu, Samba, and Kathua districts of Jammu division.
It's important to note that the Army has changed the complete recruitment procedure this year. The procedure will now begin with an online written examination in a Multiple Choice Questionnaire format at various centers across the country. The online exams are set to commence from April 17, 2023. The physical recruitment rally for all successful candidates will take place as before. Details of the rally location and date will be announced separately.
This recruitment drive is an excellent opportunity for young individuals to serve their country and join the Indian Army. Interested candidates should visit the official website of the Army and apply before the last date of registration, 15th March.
In conclusion, the Indian Army's Agniveer recruitment drive in Jammu and Kashmir is a great opportunity for eligible candidates. The Army has simplified the recruitment procedure this year, making it easier for candidates to apply. This initiative is part of the Army's efforts to strengthen its forces and encourage young individuals to join and serve their country.