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Indian Army Helicopter Crashes in Kishtwar's Marwah, Injuring Three Army Officers

Tragic Indian Army Helicopter Crash in Kishtwar's Marwah Area Leaves Three Army Officers Injured: Details of the Rescue Operation and Ongoing Investigation into the Cause of the Accident
Tragic Indian Army Helicopter Crash in Kishtwar's Marwah Area Leaves Three Army Officers Injured: Details of the Rescue Operation and Ongoing Investigation into the Cause of the Accident

In a tragic incident that occurred on Thursday, May 4th, an Indian Army helicopter crashed in the Marwah area of Kishtwar district, injuring all three army officers on board. The commanding officer was among the injured, along with the pilots of the helicopter.

Helicopter Crashes Near Village of Machna in Sumbal

Initial reports from The Chenab Times suggest that the helicopter crashed near the village of Machna in Sumbal. While two of the three army officers on board have been brought out of the wreckage and are currently receiving medical treatment for their injuries, one person is still trapped in the wreckage.

Rescue Operation Underway

A rescue operation has been launched to extricate the trapped army officer and investigate the cause of the crash. At present, no information is available about the cause of the accident. A statement from the army regarding the incident is expected soon.

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