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Jock Zonfrillo, MasterChef Australia Judge and Award-Winning Chef, Passes Away at 46

MasterChef Australia judge and celebrated chef Jock Zonfrillo is no more. His family issued a statement on social media.


Jock Zonfrillo, the celebrated chef and judge on MasterChef Australia, passed away at the age of 46. This news came as a shock to his fans and the culinary world, as Mr Zonfrillo was a respected and beloved figure in the Australian food scene. In this article, we will delve deeper into the life and career of this talented chef, as well as the circumstances surrounding his untimely death.

Early Life

Jock Zonfrillo was born in Glasgow in 1976. He began his culinary career at the young age of 12, working in kitchens. By 15, he had become the youngest-ever apprentice at The Turnberry Hotel. At 17, he started working for Michelin-starred British chef Marco Pierre White.

Personal Struggles

Despite his early success, Mr Zonfrillo faced personal struggles. He battled addiction to heroin, which he wrote about in his 2021 memoir, The Last Shot. In the book, he detailed his journey to recovery and how he found purpose and meaning in his life through cooking.

Career in Australia

In the 1990s, Mr Zonfrillo moved to Australia and opened several successful restaurants. He became known for his expertise in using local ingredients and his passion for indigenous cuisine. In 2013, he opened his most successful eatery, Orana, which quickly became a favorite among food critics and diners alike.

MasterChef Australia

Mr Zonfrillo's success as a chef led to his role as a judge on MasterChef Australia, a popular cooking competition show. He brought his culinary expertise and passion to the show, becoming a fan favorite and respected figure in the industry.

Untimely Death

Jock Zonfrillo passed away at the age of 46, leaving behind his wife and four children. The cause of his death has not been disclosed, but it is not being treated as suspicious by the Victoria Police. The news of his death led to the cancellation of the new season of MasterChef Australia, which was set to air soon.

At The End

Jock Zonfrillo's passing is a great loss to the culinary world. His legacy as a talented chef, devoted family man, and passionate advocate for indigenous cuisine will always be remembered. We extend our deepest condolences to his family and friends during this difficult time.

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